Iran Rozaneh









Jan/Feb 04 

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 Volume III, Number  21

'Many killed' in Iran earthquake

Pope speech condemns terrorism

Shirin Ebadi's Nobel speech










































































































































































































































































































































































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Political Articles

Why did so many have to die in Bam?

The Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei yesterday managed to get to Bam, three days after the earthquake which may have killed 30,000 of his fellow Iranians. The president, Mohammad Khatami, followed soon afterwards.



Melat va Taklif-e An

Adnan Parsa

(In Persian)


by Amir Taheri

THE UNITED STATES plunged in with little knowledge of Iraq or with false and outdated information from exiles and others with personal agendas. Within weeks it was clear the United States didn't have a clue. Gen. Jay Garner, the first interim (more)


UN Genral Assembly Rebukes Human Rights Abuse in Iran

The General Asssembley adopted a Canadian-drafted resolution rebuking Iran for alleged human rights abuses, including torture, amputation, public executions, suppression of free speech and discrimination against women and minorities, by a vote of 68 in favour, to 54 against, with 51 abstentions.(AANNEX XXV)



Democracy and the Enemies Of Freedom

by Bernard Lewis

The American military intervention in Afghanistan and then in Iraq has had two declared objectives: the first and more immediate, to deter and defeat terrorism; the second, to bring freedom, sometimes called democracy, to the peoples of these countries and beyond.


Israel bows to U.S. demand for Palestinian state in 2004

Special to World
Monday, December 22, 2003

JERUSALEM ? Israel has accepted a U.S. demand for a Palestinian state in the entire Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank in 2004.



Japanese experts: a similar earthquake in Tehran would destroy 70% of the capital, cause an immediate 1.5 million dead, and, in a second wave of destruction due to non-standard gas and electricity distribution network, an additional 7 million

Iran's capital should be moved, says quake expert

Iran's capital is in such a perilous location it should be moved, according to a leading Iranian earthquake expert.



Stench of Death in Iran Quake City

Iran's earthquake-devastated city of Bam was filled with the stench of death on Sunday as top foreign rescuers warned hopes were fading for any more survivors from a disaster that killed at least 20,000 people.



Iran press lambasts quake efforts

Lack of preventive measures and the government's coordination of relief efforts following the Bam earthquake are receiving short shrift in the Iranian press.



In minutes, Bam's 2,000 years of history and its hopes for the future were left in ruins

Tania Branigan
Saturday December 27, 2003
The Guardian

For two millennia the tawny walls of the ancient citadel at Bam rose from the vast Dasht'e Kavir desert, drawing traders and pilgrims towards the lush oasis.






















































































































































































































































































































































































Iran ShenAsi


Professor Touraj Daryaee

One of the most remarkable empires of the first millennium CE was that of the Sasanian Persian Empire.  Emanating from southern Iran’s Persis region in the third century AD, the Sasanian domain eventually encompassed not only modern day Iran and Iraq, but also the greater part of Central Asia and the Near East, including at times Israel, Turkey, and Egypt.  This geographically diverse empire brought together a striking array ethnicities and religious practices.  Arameans, Arabs, Armenians, Persians, Romans, Goths as well as a host of other peoples all lived and labored under Sasanian rule.

Conference on Iran shows scientific 
interest in Iranian world much alive

Darius Kadivar

An international congress on "The Iron Age in the Iranian World" was held with "big success" in the historical Belgian city of Ghent, IRNA reported from Brussels.



NegAhi Be Yek VAghe'e

Adlan Parsa


BAzgoshAee-ye Parvandey-e 28 MordAd
Interview with Dr. Mahmoud Kashani


Nobel Peace Prize

Shirin Ebadi's Nobel Speech

In the name of the God of Creation and Wisdom

Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Honourable Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel extremely honoured that today my voice is reaching the people of the world from this distinguished venue. This great honour has been bestowed upon me by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. I salute the spirit of Alfred Nobel and hail all true followers of his path. This year, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to a woman from Iran, a Muslim country in the Middle East.

Andrei Sakharov – Nobel Lecture

Peace, Progress, Human Rights 

Honored members of the Nobel Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Peace, progress, human rights - these three goals are insolubly linked to one another: it is impossible to achieve one of these goals if the other two are ignored. This is the dominant idea that provides the main theme of my lecture. I am grateful that this great and significant prize, the Nobel Peace Prize, has been awarded to me, and that I have been given the opportunity of speaking to you here today. It was particularly gratifying for me to note the Committee's citation, which emphasizes the defense of human rights as the only sure basis for genuine and lasting international cooperation.

Shab e Cheleh /Yalda Festival

(The Night of the Fortieth)

Dr. J. Doostkhah

Yalda, a Syriac word imported into the Persian language by the Syriac Christians means birth (tavalud and melaad are from the same origin). It is a relatively recent arrival and it was very likely refereed to the birth of Jesus Christ (Melaad e Massih) in the past. It is used interchangeably with ‘Shab e Cheleh’, a Zoroastrian celebration of Winter Solstice around December 21st. Forty days before the next Persian festival ‘Jashn e Sadeh’: this night has been celebrated in countless cultures for thousands of years. The ancient Roman festivals of Saturnalia (God of Agriculture, Saturn) and Sol Invicta (Sun God) are amongst the best known in the Western world.

Eve of Yalda or Chelleh

Nazli Irani Monahan

Iran’s unique geographic and historic position within the 5 continents has made it an ideal territory for the convergence of various cultures and civilizations.  Located in the heart of the Middle East and on the Ancient Silk Road, it is where the cultures of China and India met the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures. 

The Origins of the first Christmas

David Keys

It has long been known that 25 December was not the real date of Christ's birth and that the decision to turn it into Jesus's birthday was made by Constantine, the Roman Emperor, in the early 4th century AD.

Book Review

Shahbanoo Farah's Memoir, a review

Franz-Olivier Giesberier 

The "Mémoires" of Farah Pahlavi is the sort of book which should become mandatory for school children to read. It would allow future generations, force-fed on "political correctness", to rediscover some of the clear sightedness which, as the sun set on the Shah's reign, proved so thoroughly absent from the eyes of their elders.

Safar be KarAney-e Jayhoon

by: Robert Byron

Translated by: Lila Sazegar



A brief history of Bam

The southern half of the ancient province of Carmania (modern Kerman) was considered by the Greek geographers to be fertile and prosperous. It contained gold and silver mines, a river and a major trade root going through its territory. The area was well populated by the time the first Persian Empire was formed. Though it was not assigned a province by the Achaemenid administrators, Carmania was part of the Persia proper with small towns and a military garrison. It later became a province under the Seleucids and the Parthians.

Sumer and Akkad

A brief history of ancient Iraq

In ancient times, Iraq was known as Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia is Greek for "the land between the rivers," i.e. the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in western Asia. Despite this name, the ancient region of Mesopotamia included most of what is now Iraq, not just the land between the rivers. It also included parts of modern Syria and Turkey.

Has the Garden of Eden been located at last?

 Dora Jane Hamblin

"And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed" (Genesis 2:8). Then the majestic words become quite specific: "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. 


Literary Pieces


Adlan Parsa


Shirin Tabibzadeh

That night I saw “Nothing’ sitting on his yellow winged bloody mouth horse of ego.  His beady eyes were shining with a sense of nefarious revenge, having it all under perspective of his eyes of owl, impatient to see the woman’s defeat.  He was tall but he looked like a dwarf.


Aghdashloo-Best Supporting Actress award -The New York Film Critics Circle

IT doesn't trip lightly off the tongue, but Oscar pundits are fast learning how to pronounce Shohreh Aghdashloo's name.  The 51-year-old Iranian actress has burst on the scene like a firecracker with a star-making performance in the harrowing melodrama "House of Sand and Fog," out Friday.


MahdaviKia, Asia's footballer of 2003

news that a Germany-based Iranian athlete had won Asia's footballer of the year award, stole the front pages, eclipsing Wednesday's prize-giving ceremony.


Movie on the h

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discove

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.


Movie on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount

Darius Kadivar

in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.









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