An Online Magazine

March 8th
The International Woman's Day
International Women's Day is observed
throughout the world on 8 March as a day when women on all continents, while often
divided by national boundaries, and ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political
differences, come together to focus on women's human rights. This special day has
assumed a global dimension in recent decades with the growth of the international
women's movement which has been strengthened by four global United Nations
conferences. Such progress has helped to make the observance of International
Women's Day a rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand women's rights and women's participation in political,
economic and social processes.

The United Nations began observing International Women's Day in 1975, during
International Women's Year, in recognition of the tradition of ordinary women struggling
to participate equally in their societies. In 1977, the General Assembly passed a
resolution inviting each country to proclaim, in accordance with its historical and national
traditions and customs, any day of the year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights
and International Peace. The Organization's initiatives have resulted in the creation of an
international legal framework to achieve equality for women, and in increased public
awareness of the critical need for the advancement of women in all spheres of
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