Relationships |
![]() Dear Rozaneh, My second relationship with an Iranian man was nothing but an enormous deceit and barbaric behavior from a man that at first I thought could fill the empty place of my first love. He was nothing but pain and torture, I am sure he has big problems in his life. So please excuse me because if I write what he did to me and how he broke my heart time and again and what I have gone through, it might sound too dirty to your readers. Maybe later on when the wounds are somehow healed, I can write without any feelings of hatred and can put things under perspective and analyze him in a way that at least for my own sake and my own conscious, won't be too off-line and too self serving. For now just let me keep it to these few lines. I just want to forget, hope you can understand. Thank you for publishing this and thank you for the last one. xoxoxo
Salam: I wrote to you a few months back, I think in September last year about my situation and how my husband had left me and disappeared from the face of the earth. I thought just to let you know what happened. I looked for him anywhere that you can think of, legally, internet, police, embassy, tax offices, social security offices.....contacted his family in the us and Iran, I can go on and on.....but could not find him. It was after six months that the authorities announced about his absence in the newspaper that they legally could consider him dead or lost and could issue my divorce. So I got a divorce and left this country and am living in Canada with a friend and working to take care of myself. But I still miss him, I treated him bad and thought he will be in love with me for ever. He did anything in his power to make me happy but I did not understand. Only the last time that I left him and he sent me money to come back from Iran, I had decided to be nice and not to take him as if he will be always here for me. But this time, he disappeared on me for good. Don't understand why now, he wanted me to come, he even paid for my trip. I only hope that wherever he is, is happy and I think all other women who have a kind and nice man in their life should understand that it is not going to last for ever if they treat him in a bad manner. I know it will be hard for me for a while but I don't know what else I can do except try and forget him. Just thought for you to know. Thank you for your support on the phone and in writing. I will call you again. Good bye now and pray for me. ***************** Hi, I read about that american women's love affair with an Iranian man with joy. I thought it was refreshing to hear there is one man at least who knows how to treat a woman!. I have been looking for a man like that for years to no avail. Good for her and I hope she can find someone as good as this one and can forget what happened with the second one, though I don't know what. the meantime, if she can pass out !his address I would love to meet him!, I live on the east coast, hope I am not too far away from him! I am not kidding, if you get a chance, give him my e-mail address, serious. Thanks for your excellect magazine. ************* Have you noticed that most of the people who write for the "Relationships" pages are our dear ladies? They just love to nag, those perfect innocent poor babies. Hay, if men are mean to you, it is because you don't know how to treat them. You should know that the time for acting like a princess is bye gone and won't come back. You need to learn from American women, they are the most hard working women of the world. Just open your eyes and learn, teflakies!