Letters from our readers : What
do you think about our website? write to us.
Salaam !
I just wanted to send a quick mail to say how grateful I am for your kindness to remind me of the new issues.Needless to say,the magazine is coming
up better and better each time,and perhaps the same way that we get better and
more pleasant as we age, the same thing also holds true for Rozaneh.
Any how,I don't want to take too much of your time.Once again,thanks for the remarkable effort and the wonderful product(Rozaneh).I wish you much
health,success and prosperity.
Best Regards,
Masoud A.
Shirin Jaan,
I looked up your Rozaneh Magazine. Very impressive. I truly admire your efforts.
I specially enjoyed your article about Noruz(it brought tears to my eyes). You are a good impressionist writer.
Love & Light,
Dear editor,
I am a journalism student at the University of Maryland, College Park. I am
currently doing research for an article that I am writing for one my classes about the differences in outlooks on life, love, career, etc., between
Middle-Eastern parents, who lived most of their lives in the Middle East, and their children, who were born in the United States or came here at a
very young age. I believe that there is major conflict between the generations, especially young Middle-Eastern (specifically Iranian) women
and their parents. I believe that young women are trapped between two cultures, their parents' culture and their own, American culture. From what
I have seen, it seems that there is very low expectation for young Iranian women to go to college and have successful careers, whereas Iranian men are
expected to be doctors, lawyers, etc.. I would really like to discuss these issues with you or anyone else that you think may be helpful to my research.
I haven't seen any research or discussion of this topic and would really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. Please e-mail
me back at......
Dear Shirin==Eid mubarak!--I thought you might be interested in a letter I recently wrote to a friend. Perhaps you may put something on your website about what the Persian Community in xxxxxx in xxxx is doing. Naturally, I would not want you to quote my friend on xxxxxxx Anyway, tell me what you think--
"Two weeks ago, I had my friends, xxxxxxxx here to dinner and we talked into the night as they are most interesting people. xxxx had just returned from Iran and, although xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He is our local carpet dealer (the descendent of a long line xxxxxx) and he says antique carpets in Iran are now running into the millions of dollars. Anyway, the xxxxxxx hosted a two day Now Ruz gala at our xxxxx Museum of Art and Science on the 17th and 18th. I helped with it and it was phantasmagorial. .Eight Iranian films were shown. If you have never seen one of them, give yourself a treat. They are mood evocative and you will find yourself wrapped up in their warmth. There was Persian dancing, food, a teahouse, a bride dressed in red, astride a caparisoned horse, going to meet her groom. There were interactive music workshops of all sorts, --vocalization,, percussion, tar and stringed instruments. xxxxx, 6th generation Doctor of Traditional Persian Medicine, an herbalist, had a much visited exhibit. There was a poetry festival with a special lecture and recitation on Rumi by Majid Naini and a world music concert. In addition, there were countless children's activities where they learned to write their names in Farsi, learned Persian dance, attempted to weave, colored Persian carpet patterns, played stringed instruments, etc. A high school senior, one Bijan, manned the history booth. He fascinated young and old with his heroic tales from Persian history recited in a dramatic, exciting fashion. I sold goldfish! They are an integral part of the New Year scene and every child wants his very special goldfish bowl. At one point, I was displaying khatam, a unique Persian craft similar to marquetry, people came up to the exhibit, picked up a box or pencil holder and reminisced about the same type box or pencil holder that they remember on their grandmother's bureau. It was a time of bittersweet memory and nostalgia for many--including me. I didn't want the weekend to end. The Persian community is a small one in xxxxx County but xxxxx wants to make sure everyone knows that they are here! He succeeded!-- Love -Rosemary.
Dear Shirin, I ahve just opened your most recent edition of Rozaneh and both Pari and I would like to congratulate you on a truly professional presentation. There are some excellent articles. Keep up the good work. I will certainly spread the name.
Lots of love to you all.
Hi, Shirin,
I just looked at the new issue of Rozaneh, and the graphics once again are stunning!!! Also, I read your Norooz article, and there are wet drops all
over my keyboard -- so it was extremely moving. Really, you did a better job of explaining Norooz to me than anyone else ever has. And I suspect
also that your family celebrated it in an especially beautiful way -- particularly by doing so much for the poor, and welcoming everyone. I know
that Iranians who read your article will savor the memory of so many details. I do hope that many Americans and others read it as well, and
learn for the first time.
It is Very smoothing ...
Your maghaleh was beautiful.......and "Taken out my tears!!" [ashkamo Dar
Aavourd] Using Flowers.... is fantastic!!
Some Suggestions....
1- You can not find other section in first page ..... you have to look!!!!
2- On all pages there better be a Bottom to go to home page!!!
3- On Pictures section need to have more guide lines to find what you want or....
4- When I e-mailed I am interested to know when is next issue .... it replied ...**March 1st**!!!
--- we fixed some, we will fix the rest at our earliest, it's been quite busy. Thank you so much.
Bunny, your website is beautiful. I really like how you designed it! I can see you put a lot of work into it. And your articles are really interesting.
When I read your article again, I thought it was poetic, really. It even has something of the sense of Farrokhzad. I have told a few people about it already. It is perfectly charming. And I am thrilled to have my review in such a marvelous magazine. I am thinking of writing Elaine Sciolino to tell her about Rozaneh. (I liked her very much, at the January lecture -- she is very personable and attractive, and she said that the reason she keeps going back to Iran is the Iranian people.) I probably can't do it this week, but hopefully the week after.
I LOVE YOU!!!!! your article was so intense.. beautiful.. i started crying and had to go
to the bathroom.. YOU are the most amazing, strong, intelligent, beautiful woman in the world. i
look up to you, learn from you, want to emulate you and am proud to be compared to
you anytime such words are shed. you are glamorous, progressive, refined, classy,
smart, hip, deep, intuitive, and just plain evolved... your parents would be beyond
proud of you...
---thanks mamy, a bit too much, even for your mama.
Dear Shirin
Just saw my article on Omar - looks great!! You did a very nice job of setting it up. Also - I enjoyed so much your beautiful article on Norooz and
celebrating with your family in Iran. It's a most sensitive and delightful piece of writing.
My very best regards,
Dear Shirin
I did see your new edition of Rozaneh. Have not read all the articles yet. But you seem to have done a good job again. I had also enjoyed the articles on Forough in the last issue.
Dear Shirin, I think you've done a great job, keep up the good work.
warm regards
John Winn, Paris
Hello Shirin-jan:
I have been tremendously enjoying your on line magazine. Now I hope to be able to submit some articles to
you and images. I really love the global approach you have brought to women.
Thank You!
M. O.
Congratulations on your website, it looks like you've put a lot of work into it. We'll be regular subscribers! I 've already told some friends. Best wishes.
Kathleen Kelly.
Shirin, we have recently come to know about your Magazine on the web, we are so impressed. Simin is a regular reader and I have just browsed through it. It is good and the look quite impressive, perhaps you need to focus on the direction a little more. Otherwise we are so proud of you.
S. and A. Izadpanah,
South Africa
Dear Rozaneh,
I would like to know if it would be possible to submit articles for publishing
and if there are specific formats one should follow when writing such articles.
Ba Sepas
ali Derakhshan
Dear Yaddolah, I don't work for SIP any more, I redirected your e-mail to their e-mail address. Don't have a clue about that issue, I learned about it at the same time that you did as I don't take part in their meetings and don't have an official position in there since the new administration. I was just doing their NL which is not political at all as you can observe yourself. I thought I was doing a service to the community and nothing more. thank you.
Dear readers, if you are interested in an authographed copy of Pulitzer Prize nominated "Tao of Surfing.....Finding Depth at Low Tide" by the author, Michael Allen, please send an e-mail to : shirintabib@earthlink.net We will gladly process your order.
Dear Webmaster ,
first let me take this opportunity, to thank you for the great website and the
amount of work you have put for this job, I congrdulate you.
I would appreciate if you would kindly place links to the following
not-for-profit sites, aiming in providing information for Iranians, please let
me know if you would do this, and please also provide us with your web address
and possibly your banner, so I will place it in Iran News links page , or
Rahnama Links page ( link page will be opening soon ).
I really appreciate your cooperation
and concern,
Very truely yours
Maziar Momeni - Webmaster Rahnama and Iran News (Canada)
Hi Shirin
I like your magazine but as I try to open it some of the pages load very slowly
including that of Mr. Allen. Can you fix this?
Ferry Zamani
Attention: we fixed some of them, please bear with us. thank you.
I am an Iranian women who has lived in
a shelter for a while, I took refuge there because of all the abuse that I
received from my own Iranian husband!. I am now living with a nice american
family taking care of their children in exchange for a room!! I have an MS.
degree in Chemistry but since I don't have any experience in this country
I am working at a restaurant. I am mostly looking for a relevant job on the
internet (thanks to my employer , using their computer). I know there are a lot
of Iranian organizations in this area, can someone help me? If they can't help
us to the extent of finding a job, I don't know what is the purpose of even
having an organization. Wherever I send my resume, they need experience. I am so
desperate, do you know what I can do? thank you.
attention: I sent a copy of your resume to some of the people
that I thought might be able to help. My heart is with you, stick in there. I
love you.
Dear Rozaneh,
The article written by Mr. Arbabi attracted my attention, I would like to read more about this subject. Can Mr. Arbabi write a little more about this subject?. I am studying music and while I am more into classical music per say, may write my dissertation on Persian music. thanx.
Naz Oskooian
University of Ottawa
attention Ms. Oskooian: Mr. arbabi has recently published a book on this issue. You may contact him personally at: farbabi@mtu.edu or we can provide him with your e-mail address if you don't mind.
Dear Shirin,
Congratulations on the new web magazine. I wish you success with this new
Hossein Farzin
Associate professor
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
University of California
I am interested to know
what type of articles you are seeking to publish for I would like to submit
several of my pieces to your magazine.
Once again, congratulations on your website. I wish you the best.
Banafsheh Pirasteh
Attention: Dear Banafsheh, we responded to your two messages but unfortunately they both returned, can't figure out why? If you read this, please contact us asap. Thank you.
I was very impressed with the article "Meditation........." by Ms. Barnhardt. Aside from the excellent manner she depicted just a simple painting that we always take for granted if it is not "made in.......", it was refreshing to hear a foreigner especially an American to write about our country and our culture with such love and affection and attachment. Her delicate expression of each and every detail demonstrates a deep, un-bios persona whom I thought to send my regards and thank her from my heart. Thanks Ms. B., it was great.
Nazem Azimi
Dear Shrin:
I love your Roanehmagazine. It is so beautiful and full of content. When I
start reading it, I forget about everything else that I need to do!
Thanks for the hard work.
Shirin joon,
This is the third time I am sending you an e-mail to congratulate you on the
beautiful job you are doing putting out your very delicate online magazine.
Unfortunately, those first two e-mails were returned to me and I couldn't
figure out why.
I commend you and the crew
for the nice work. It truly takes love, caring, enthusiasm, and efforts to put
such beautiful magazine online. It contains nice and beneficial articles and
resources. Any particular subject of interest you are looking for?
Keep up the good work!
Marjan K.
I came upon your O/L
magazine quite accidentally. It caught my curiosity and after reviewing the
different pages, I found it attractive in appearance, entertaining, informative,
and cosmopolitan.
Ms. Tabibzade, you're a credit to our community and the Iranian Diaspora.
Bon Chance
Dr. Ardeshir Mahmoodian, London
Dear Mrs. Tabibzadeh:
Now I know why we haven't seen you lately, you've been busy putting together an
informative web site. Looks good, and congatulations!
Dear Ms. Tabibzadeh and
Thank you for such a wonderful job. A friend told me about your magazine, when
is the next issue due. Good luck to you all.
S. Dorostia
Hey, good job Rozaneh, only I think you are a little on the feminist side, is that true? I also think you should put more stuff related to our country, I think you are a little too westernized!!. Other than that, this is one of the most informative beautiful web sites I have ever seen. NO hard feelings???????
Saman Firouzbakht
Congratulations on starting a long due Iranian magazine on line. I already like your mag format and I am sure given time you'll have more to contribute. Keep up the good work and please let me know how I can subscribe so I'll get it automatically. Thanks, Farhad
Good job Rozaneh, Please
contact me, I have some articles to send you, they are at least 4-5 pages each,
is there a limit? thank you for all the information and when is the next issue
coming out, I have already read it all. More than anything else, it is so easy
to navigate around! Don't make it too complicated and crowded.
Mitra Vasseur
I took a quick look at your web page, as I only find a short time week nights
for other than daily choirs. I would love to contribute something. I did a
little research about Tazieh and was intrigued by it. It seems to have all the
elements of opera. If I get a chance that could be a short article. Another
possibility is to extract pieces from the little book I recently published on
Classical Persian Music. The historical accounts should be of interest to
general public.
Good luck and congratulations on a job well done.
Fereidoon A.
Shirin Jan,
My congratulations to you for your rozanehmagazine.com
All during my lunch today, I was enjoying the very educational, fun and relaxing
on line rozanehmagazine without leaving my desk. I had my classical music on and
reading from Top Fashion in Paris to Poetry of Forough to Political Problems
between Israel and Palestine.
Thanks for your CREATIVE work of Net Art Journalism.
Maryam Radmand
Dear Rozaneh,
I am so impressed with your online magazine. Your wide coverage of various
topics from poetry and the arts to relationships and psychology is quite
refreshing and informative! I am particularly fond of the section you have
devoted to women's issues around the world. It is about time Iranian women had
such a source! Please keep up the
excellent work.
A devoted reader,
F. Oshkoian
Dear Shirin:
I am so proud of you and I love your Rozaneh. Keep up the good work!
Firuozeh Zandi
Hi Rosaneh,
I would like to see more action as they say, pages like the relationship page
where we can chat and fight and get to some kind of conclusions. I also like to
know more about our singers, new films, fun stuff, you know. I like the colors
and the pictures and the paintings. also your rozaneh picture is so interesting
and meaningful. Give us more good stuff. I will write to you again. thank you
Nicole N.
At a glance ....This is a neat ..... Clear .... Friendly ..Relaxing ... Artistic
..... and Interesting Web Site .... Good Links ...... May be a little too much
Feminist (Which is not BAD) ... and too much TabibZadeh in editorial and
In general ... Congratulations ..... and good luck with you ...
H. Pakpour,
Hi Rozaneh
What a cute name. I want to ask you about your article sections, what kind of
articles would you accept. I like to write about my love and love only, is it ok
if I send you that kind of stuff? please respond. Also tell me about the length
of the article. I am quite new in this thing.
Dear Shirin
Your web site is really quite engaging. I looked at all of it, and liked it alot.
Here are some of my comments: I think your graphics are unbelievably lovely,
really first-rate. You are extremely talented in this way, I think. I don't
think that I have seen another web-site that is so consistently beautiful and
appealing. Also, I thought the individual pieces had a great deal of appeal. The
site is interesting partly because it shows so much originality and personal
involvement. The personal involvement carries through, down to the topics
selected and small details. I can feel that there is a caring and informed and
exquisite sensibility behind the whole
site. It doesn't seem piecemeal. Also, I particularly liked the
"articles" that seem to consist of brief memoirs or vignettes about
Iran. These came off as extremely convincing and interesting pieces of
experience. I think that you could ultimately put together a book of this type
of thing. As a matter of fact, this appeals to me alot. I do think that the
"articles" are really more like "vignettes" than they are
"articles" (which sounds like news stories). Also, the two pieces on
great women are a little hard to read because of the yellow font. But this may
not be final, I realize. (I changed the font on
that page after I received this letter. st).
Melinda Barnhardt