On the surface all revolutions present common features: demonstrations, riots , fighting, wars, overthrow of authorities in place, new governments and so forth. Actually in our information age, these visible aspects make the news and flood television screens. Full Text
The Hindu quotations and the Bhagvat-Geeta provide a basis for examining the concept of reality in Walden. The disagreement Thoreau found with much of Hindu philosophy was its tendency to fall back upon the secureassumption of an inner identification with the eternal coherence and wholeness of Brahme. Full Text
called me at the main office of the economics department at Samarkand
State University, in the morning of a beautiful day in May 1996. He is an
Iranian-Armenian man who I was told had lived with his family in Samarkand
for more than 35 years. Full Text
My dear, do you remember that night when we were walking by the river watching its splendid flows and wondering at the beauty of the surrounging meadows? I Was looking at you walking ahead, admiring your beauty and slender body in the moonlight and thinking how different from all you were. Full Text