


   September/October, 2002


 Volume III, Number 13





Anything Goes






Host: MIS




August: The 96th Anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution

 The Iranian Constitutional Revolution was the first revolution in the Third World to seek democracy, human rights, opposition to corruption, unjust government, resentment against foreign intrusion and national identity for a country. Iranians set THE example for the rest of the world to follow. All constitutional and independence movements of the Third World have used the Iranian Constitutional Revolution as their example


August: the anniversary of the death of Reza Shah, Mohammad Reza Shah, Dr. Bakhtiar, Freydoon Farrokhzad, and..............??.


August: remembering Cinema Rex


September: Remembering those who were executed in the summer of 1367 (1988).


Remembering Ahmad Shamloo

one year after his death


Wishing him well and free

Mr. Pourzand









Iranian engineer Gamshid Arian drives the first Iranian-made electric car

"Aryana 792" in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, July 18, 2002. Arian

designed and built the four-seater car, complete with a personalized digital

card to control the doors and ignition, within the special economic zone .




ZamZam Cola

 Zamzam Cola has new customers in the Persian Gulf and plans to expand soon into more Arab markets. The Iranian company can indirectly thank Israel for its growth.

Zamzam, which previously exported only to Iraq and Afghanistan, is benefiting from a grass-roots campaign by Arabs and other Muslims to boycott American goods over U.S. backing for Israel. Set off by the latest Palestinian uprising, the boycott is especially directed at well-known American products like Coca-Cola and McDonald's.

