Reza Bayegan
I went through the wrought iron gates of the
Passy cemetery in Paris on Saturday 12 June, just before 3 o'clock in the
afternoon to attend the service held to commemorate the third anniversary of
Princess Leila's death.
of March labeled as the Baha'i New Year!?
For the past
year I have been working with Amnesty International and I was
somewhat surprised to look on our calendar this year and find
the 21st of March labeled as the Baha'i New Year.

response to the article "21st of March labeled as
the Baha'i New Year!"
Shadan Tofighi
March 21st had been
declared by Baha’u’llah the Prophet founder of the Baha'i
Faith in mid 1880s. The Baha'i calendar is devised of
19 months of 19 days each. 4 days (5 in a leap year)
remaining days of celebration complete a solar cycle of 365
days. ?

calendar, the most accurate in the world
Dr. Ghodratollah Tamaddoni
(In Persian)
of Germany interviews Dr. Abbas Milani
Dr. Ramin Parham
interviews Professor Bernard Lewis
"In the
first year of the reign of Cyrus, King Cyrus commanded that the house of the
Lord at Jerusalem should be built again, where they do sacrifice with continual
Aghlaaniat Va Moderniteh Dar
Neveshtehaay-e Mohamad Ali Foroughi
Ramin Jahanbegloo
Dogmatism or
"Jazm Shenaassi-e" maa
Hasan Naraghai
Iranian Demonstration
I read somewhere that "the whole story of the progress of
human liberty shows that concessions yet made...have been born
of earnest struggle... If there is no struggle, there is no
Pahlavi's Antidote
Reza Bayegan
I said Goodbye to an Iranian
relative who had come to visit me from Italy at Paris's Bercy
station before attending Reza Pahlavi's panel discussion at
Science3s-po, one of France's elite academic
institutions. As he was embarking his train he held my
hand and said: "let me know what happens at the
of a Disqualified Citizen
Reza Bayegan
It is 3 May, and what better a way to
start the day than by reading a long letter written by Seyyed Mohammad
Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He has called it
"A Letter for Tomorrow" meaning that today's electorate and
the current population of Iran lack the qualifications to fathom the
depth of meaning stashed way in its luminous pages. It will have to wait
for the people of tomorrow to catch up with the President's intellectual
depth and realize that his apparent failures were veritable triumphs in
sexy Iranians
Nicholas D.
If, as the poet Philip Larkin observed,
sex began in 1963, it has finally reached Iran over the last year. True,
girls and women can still be imprisoned for going out without proper
Islamic dress. But young people are completely redefining such dress so
it heightens sex appeal instead of smothering it.
An Activist Draws Interest at the Bank
sent by Amil Imani
Shirin Ebadi's big day at the World Bank, her first visit to Washington
since winning the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, began outside, on Pennsylvania
Avenue, in the chill wind of a very gray morning. She was immaculate in
a light blue pantsuit, better suited to August, and her hair and makeup
were television-worthy. It was just after 9 and she was about to spend
the next six hours meeting the suits.
happened to our revolution
Amil Imani
20th century has been one of tyranny and mass genocide. One needs only
to remember the two million Cambodians slaughtered under Pol Pot, the
six million Jews exterminated by Adolf Hitler, 2 Million Armenians
murdered by the Turks, and the 20 million helpless lives aborted in
Pahlavi's An Enduring Love
Reza Bayegan
May 13, 2004
Pahlavi's An Enduring Love
was an immediate bestseller in Europe and has received plenty of
attention in the United States. The book's release has presented
a fresh opportunity for those interested in modern Iranian
history to revaluate the record of the Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi and the challenges he faced during his reign.
Miraas-e Farhangi-e Iraniaan
A review by: Dr. Jalil Doostkhah
Cyrus Doost
novel makes you feel rightfully proud to be Iranian. It exposes the Mullahcracy
for the aberration that it is. The
Mullah Conspiracy is a work of fiction by an Iranian professor of
Friend Luke
I have a friend who must be the
sweetest, shyest person in the world. His name is brittle and ancient (Luke),
his age modestly intermediate (forty). He is rather short and skinny, has a thin
moustache and even thinner hair on his head. Since his vision is not perfect, he
wears glasses: they are small, round and frame-less.
Shah's double image in Asadolah Alam's notes
the Origin
The concept and the roots
While in ancient times, people
were frequently called on to die for their beliefs, it was
generally just referred to as "dying."
Heaven and Hell were not advanced concepts in the pre-Christian
world, at least not in terms of a potential reward or punishment
for your behavior on Earth.
Moghan'a, Sepeed Jamegan
Shirin Tabibzadeh
true face of resistance
General De Gaulle, the man who
was determined to win
By 1944, de Gaulle was widely
recognized as political leader of the Resistance movement. In
June 1944 he transformed the Committee of National Liberation
into a provisional government of the French republic. Although
he was not permitted to land on D-Day, he arrived on French soil
a week later on June 14 and on August 25 he entered Paris in
Oscar Wilde's
1895 martyrdom for 'indecent acts'
When Oscar Wilde's The Importance of
Being Earnest: a trivial comedy for serious people premiered in London
on Valentine's Day, 1895, Wilde (aged 40) was widely acknowledged to
have decisively conquered the theater world...Even the New York Times noted "Wilde may be
said to have at last, and by a single stroke, put his
enemies under his feet."
Fozooli Freydoon
Tonekaboni (Persian)

World premiere!
2004, Hossein Khandan and Shahin Yazdani, USA/New Zealand,
84 min.
Made in Chicago, this imaginative
docudrama begins with the premise that three American women will engage
in the activities of a normal work day wearing a burqa. The three are
Chezere, an African American singer with a day job in an antique mall;
Maya, a flamenco dancer who teaches her art on the side; and Renee, a
painter who works at a TV station. Each faces challenges that range from
the sheer discomfort of the unwieldy garment to the less-than-amused
reactions of bosses, co-workers, and friends. In exploring the lives of
the three, Khandan and Yazdani go beyond the shock value of the stunt to
explore the repercussions of cultural differences less visible to the
naked eye. DigiBeta video. (BS)
Director Khandan and members of the
cast will be present for audience discussion.
Director Khandan and members of the
cast will be present for audience
Jaleh Kazemi, the beautiful talented artist
Passion of the Christ
Can religion and the movies mix?
Mel Gibson's new film The Passion of the Christ, about the last hours of Jesus, is the latest in a long line of movies to arouse strong opinions in religious communities.
Bach score found in Japan
A lost musical score by German composer Johann Sebastian Bach has been found in Japan, scholars have revealed.

Mudget feature
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.
on the hostage crises soon to be released by Paramount
Darius Kadivar
in conjunction with best-selling authorMark Bowden's next book, Wild Eyes Productionswill tell the epic story of the Iranian Hostage crisis in a four-hour special airing on "The Discovery Times Channel." Mark Bowden's book has already been optioned by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin as the basis for a big- budget feature film.