We take pleasure in introducing ourselves; we are a Bombay based company by the name & style of “Atash Group of Companies”. We are 3 directors, namely, Capt. R. E.Dastoor, Ms Benaifer H Bhoot and Ms Lily Bhoot.

We are pleased to inform that, we have digitized the wonderful epic of “SHAHNAMEH” by Firdaosi on to 7 C.D set consisting of 901 chapters. These C.D’s are attractively packaged into two jewel boxes and placed in a presentation box to ensure preservation of this ‘WORK OF ART”.

However, the SHAHNAMEH is more than just a simple English prose of historical facts and scriptures
As Firdowsi advises:
“Do not regard these as fables and fictions.
Do not imagine that circumstances and conditions   remain the same in different ages.”

Hence, this is not just history, but a platform for us to learn that goodness shall
Triumph over evil. The circumstances may be different, but the underlying qualities of man’s nature remain the same, and hence the struggle continues over ages.
We hope that, once again reading this great epic, we can pass on to ourselves and our future generation, the wisdom and greatness and teaching of SHAHNAMEH in our daily life.

We take pleasure in informing you of the 7 C.D set of SHAHNAMEH.

Thanking you

Ms Lily Bhoot

Inquires/orders  can be sent at: - Atash Holding Pvt. Ltd. /Atash Enterprises
              160, 1ST /2ND Floor, Esplanade Building
               Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Telephone              : -  91-22-22006734/ 22070560 /22075124
Fax                  : -  91-22-22074547
Email                  : -  storymation@hotmail.com / lilybhoot@atashgroup.com
Visit us                : - www.storymation.com/shahnameh.html