Beware of Mullahs Bearing Gifts
Beware of mullahs bearing gifts! The mullahs are diehard adherents of the Islamists' eleventh commandment "Thou shall not lie or dissimilate (tagyyeh), deceive or cheat (ketman) unless they serve a higher purpose." And to these devoted faithful, there is no higher purpose in the world than serving Allah's biding, as they like it and as they interpret it. Keep in mind that the very name "Islam" means "submission," unquestioning submission to the will of Allah.
33:36, "It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any
choice in their affairs when a And in
the Quran itself, Allah gives these fellows their mandate: Cleanse the
earth from all kuffar Qur'an 8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah." Allah, in his kindness, leaves a bit of wiggle room for the unbelievers. Those who refuse to convert or whose life is spared may live under the rule of Islam by paying poll taxes. Qur'an
9:29, "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender,
paying the protective tax in These men
of Allah are urged to use every "stratagem of war," to kill
and take the disbelievers as Qur'an 9:5, "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." "Every stratagem," means every stratagem. No heinous act is out of bounds for these savages. They place children, for instance, in the backseat of a car bomb so that it could be waved through checkpoints without inspection. Then, the adults park the car in the midst of a shopping crowd, run out of the car and detonate it with the children inside. Horrific? Shocking? Absolutely barbaric? These are the same people who used thousands of Iranian children as minesweepers during the Iran-Iraq war to clear a path for their more valued armored vehicles. And as for Iran's mullahs' unyielding drive to acquire the ultimate weapon, it is in obedience to the command of the Quran. And "terrorism," abhorrent to the civilized world, is explicitly enjoined on the faithful. Qur'an 8:59 "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy." And for those who advocate retreating to the safety of "fortress America," the following warning should dispel their vain hope. Europe is already partly invaded, and America and other infidel lands are next. Qur'an 13:41 "Do they not see us advancing from all sides into the land (of the disbelievers), reducing its borders (by giving it to believers in war victories). It is worse than appeasement to negotiate a "deal" with the Iranian theocrats because any deal struck with these mullahs is only another ruse for them to further their plans. The UN resolutions are nothing more than pieces of paper good for fire, they can pass them all they want, president Ahmadinejad proclaims belligerently. These Islamists go by their 1400-year-old charter of Allah, the Qur'an the same charter that they hold in one hand while slashing the throat of an innocent infidel and yelling joyously "Allah is the greatest" the whole time. To the misguided "Supreme Guide," mullah Ali Khamenei of Iran, a few words are in order. The civilized Iranians, descendants of Cyrus the Great, find you, mulla Ali, and your cabal of Islamists guilty of heinous crimes. A partial list of charges is given below. Domestically * You are guilty of beating, imprisoning and torturing a few dozen women who braved participating in a peaceful demonstration pleading for equal family rights, on the recent International Day of Women. * You systematically beat, imprison, and torture all manners of citizens, from school teachers to students to union workers, for daring to raise their voices against the plight to which you have subjected them. * You savagely beat and haul to your dungeons of torture and death over a thousand of the tens of thousands of teachers who had recently gathered in front of the parliament requesting nothing more than their back pay and living wages. * You direct systematic genocidal measures against all non-Shia religious minorities, with Baha'is as prime target. * You arrest some Christians, even your Quran calls "People of the Book," for observing Christmas. * You implement barbaric practices of stoning, hanging and amputations for those who are convicted of crimes in your kangaroo courts without due process. You even imprison those few lawyers who rise in the defense of the innocent. * You plunder, mismanage and dole out Iran's national wealth with the result that the great majority of the people are living in poverty. Iranian women are forced into prostitution to survive or simply sold as sex slaves in Persian Gulf states. * Your fascist misrule of nearly three decades has driven millions of Iran's best children to four corners of the world. Hundreds of thousands of educated Iranians are compelled to continue the exodus, depriving Iran of the sorely-needed talents at home. * You spend
a fortune on the nuclear program that you claim is only aimed for peaceful * You have
created a suffocating social atmosphere that has driven masses of the
people to the Internationally * You spare
no efforts at sabotaging any settlement between the Palestinians and
Israelis. You * You direct
similar criminal schemes on your eastern flank, in Afghanistan. You
consider any * You work ceaselessly, expand Iran's stolen funds, and do all you can in support of your Shia co-fascists Hezbollah in Lebanon. * Your hands are dripping with the blood of thousands of Iraqis, victims of your bloodthirsty kin mercenaries aiming to kill a budding democracy in Iraq next door. * You supply your mercenaries with armor-piercing projectiles for killing and maiming the coalition forces in Iraq. Your cowardly killing by proxy, using these roadside planted bombs, has taken the lives of nearly 200 Americans. * You interpret the highly subdued reactions of the coalition to your savage actions as indications of weakness. So, you find it in yourself to venture into direct confrontation by capturing lightly-armed British sailors and marines in Iraqi waters. Misguided advocates of negotiation with the mullahs, beware. The mullahs are on an Allah mandated mission. They are intoxicated with Petrodollars and aim to settle for nothing less than complete domination of the world under the Islamic ummeh. It is precisely for this reason that they consider America and the West as "Ofooli," setting-dying system, while they believe their Islamism as "Tolooi," rising-living order. They are in no mood of negotiating for anything less than the total surrender of democracy, the very anathema to Islamism. And to you, the misguided mullah Ali Khamenei, don't be fooled by the sycophants who misinform you. Don't threaten the West by either as-yet-to-come online nuclear weapons or your fantasized sleeper cells. You will be terribly disappointed when Iranian expatriates everywhere will be among the very first to help the authorities find your sleeper cells, if any actually exist, and put them into permanent sleep. Freedom may suffer retreats periodically and tyranny may advance occasionally. Yet, free people everywhere will meet any challenge and pay any price to safeguard the precious treasure of freedom for themselves and the finest bequeath they can leave for the next generation. Amil Imani
is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing
in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator,
novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the
struggling people of his native land, Iran. He maintains a website at