300, Sign the petition

Over 10,000 signatures in a span of 48 hours. Over 10,000 people have refused to watch this movie! Please spread the word, so that Warner Brothers and others affiliated with them, think twice about spreading hate speech and violence! False creation of history, distorting facts, and spreading violence against the Persian community is Anti-American!

Please pass the letter below to all your friends! Whatever impact, no matter how small. IT WILL HAVE AN IMPACT ON THEIR BOTTOM LINE!


As a friend of yours, and more importantly as another human being we all strive for a world based on mutual understanding, a greater philanthropy and a greater good for people of the world regardless of human origin, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. A great old and true Persian saying from the philosopher, states:

All Adams race are members of one frame,

When one limb is oppressed,

the others lose their wanted rest,

if you do not feel the pain of others,

then a child of Adam is no name for thee – Poem from Sa'adi

This was written several years ago. Today, there is another propaganda war at humiliating and degrading middle eastern culture and after the Iraq war, it is now Iran . The new movie, 300 shows Persians as savages and wild beasts. They are shown as animals and barbarians pillaging and raping the west ( Sparta ). Had this movie been created any other time, it would have been no problem. However, on the eve of starting another war with iran . I plead with you, at the bare minimum for peace on earth for all human beings to boycott this film. There is a petition going on and anyone who has signed it, has promised to not see it. Obviously, 10,000 people are not going to make an impact. However, it puts a dent into creating other films were middle easterns are shown as savages. If you disagree with my opinion, I respect your opinion. But the facts surrounding these figures, for example King Xerxes was a benevolent King who is written in the Book of Esther in the Bible!

If you agree with my sentiment, please sign this petition. As an American, who loves this country a great deal, it is neither in our best interestnor the world to start another war. As such, I'm asking you to reconsider watching this movie,


Cyrus the Great wrote the first human bill of Rights, called the Cyrus Cylinder around 500 BC which is displayed in the United Nations. Please don't let propaganda sway you into another war. If you are getting repeats of this email, please feel free to delete it and our apologies. Please pass this letter to all your friends.