Shahbanou Farah’s Answer to History French TV Interview on ITÉLÉ with Paris Match Grand Reporter Caroline Pigozzi translation by Darius KADIVAR Life is an eternal struggle, Light shall vanquish over darkness – Farah Pahlavi Transcript of interview on Histoire en Direct of February 2006, duration :23 min 10 s Caroline Pigozzi ( CP): Hello your Majesty. (*) Farah Pahlavi (FP): Hello Caroline, thank you for your invitation CP : You married the Shah of Iran in 1959, You live in exile since 1979 … Who are you today your Majesty ? FP : I am an Empress in exile. At the same time a Free person, even if in practical terms I am neither entirely Free nor an Empress anymore. Empress in exile, because I was given the historical responsability to think of my country, my compatriots and to struggle in my own capacity for the Freedom of my people and for the establishment of Democracy in my homeland. On the otherhand my compatriots demand me to speak up for them as if I was still Queen. CP : We have to explain to our viewers that you were Empress, that is Queen, you were the Queen of Iran … FP : (She smiles but answers confidently) I was the Empress of Iran, I was Crowned, in 1967. I was also named Regent. I say I am a Free person, although my Freedom is no longer the one which I used to have. CP : For the public, an Empress is someone who has a Crown on her head, someone who has an Aura, a Myth. What is an Empress today ? Someone who takes the plane normally, is it someone who looks back at the past ? Do you look back on those years ? FP : No not at all, but it is part of my past, not something I ponder on everyday. However it is true that I have freedoms today that I did not have before and which would seem natural for most people, but for me they are agreeable. Empress of Iran : Farah Pahlavi ©farahpahlavi.org. CP : What are these freedoms ? FP : To sit and drink a coffee outside at a Café in Paris, to stroll out and see shops, or go to restaurants, obviously, I have to be careful on what I wear or on what I say as a public figure. CP : So never quite entirely relaxed … FP : Well It really depends where I find myself. In countries where I am known, there is always a good and difficult side to things, but in France, where people recognize me easily, I am always touched by the kindness expressed towards me. CP : In which countries do people recognize you most ? FP : In France obviously but also other European countries or in the Middle East or North Africa. Obviously I cannot name all the countries in question for I have not had the oppurtunity lately to travel everywhere. CP : What is your secret to advance in life with so much energy ? FP : (Pause) You know, I often think of these words : Dear God, give me the power to change what can be changed, and give me the courage to accept what cannot be changed. But beyond everything, give me the wisdom to distinguish between the two. I believe that life is an eternal struggle for all of us, regardless of our social position. We can lose one’s country, your dear ones … CP : You were nevertheless a Queen who reigned and wife to a King who ruled over a nation of 35 million people … FP : Yes, well the biggest loss in my opinion is the current situation of Iran, but what is important is not to lose the struggle of life, to always keep faith and continue with a positive spirit. This is an everyday struggle, it is not always easy … Life is a Struggle be it in Power or in exile , says the former Empress. (Left) Known as the « Working Empress » in National Geography Issue of the 1970’s. (Right) Sunday Times UK Magazine coverage of the Empress in exile in late 1980’s ©Sunday Times CP : (Interrupts politely) What do you understand by a daily struggle ? FP : That is to fill yourself with anything that is positive, to thank God for anything that is positive in your life. Everyone has his or her system to achieve this. In my case, Sports and physical activity was helpful, my friends, Nature, the Blue Sky. Music, Poetry, the love of my children, all this helped me find positive energy in difficult times. And to leave behind bitterness or set aside cheap thoughts. CP : (Smiling) You are able to say to yourself every morning that « Today is a New Day, and I am Happy » ? FP : It depends on the days (laughs gently), if I feel tired or sad, I tell myself to stop complaining on your life, and try to overcome it. And I have to add, it is important to have a sense of humor. That helped me alot. CP : ( Smiles) That helped you greatly ? FP : Yes, and I remember reading on the poster advertisement of a Rock Concert in the US, the following comment : The day I will find the time, I will get myself a good nervous breakdown. Farah Pahlavi Surfing the Internet ©farahpahlavi.org CP : Has your heart stayed in Iran ? FP : My heart, my mind is with Iran, I live everyday with Iran on my mind. I follow the news regularly on the internet and to radio or TV programs in Persian that are beamed into Iran from outside. I read all letters sent to me by mail or email. I LIVE with Iran. CP : You receive how many emails by day ? FP : Often my webmaster has tells me that I got hundreds of emails today, and has registered several thousand Hits on my website. CP : You should maybe give us your website at the end of the program, I am sure there will be even more hits by the end of this interview … (Laughing politely) FP : (Laughing politely) Thank you but, I don’t always give my website after interviews because the number of emails increase incredibly and I do not have the same logistical means or offices as I had in the past to be able to answer individually to everyone. It is truly an everyday work, and I am every morning behind my desk, responding to letters and emails and signing so it occupies me and I have to say I am happy to do so. Sometimes it takes a great deal of my time, but that is a natural obligation I have. CP : It occupies how many hours per day your Majesty ? FP : Honestly, it takes me all day long …, apart from things I need to do during the day or if I have to go out of my house, but it is truly all day long. CP : Your son the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, does he hope to return to his country, regain power ? FP : My son Reza, has been struggling for the past 26 years, he has fought and continues to fight with many of our compatriots, even those with different political opinions, He fights for Democracy and the seperation of State and Religion, as well as for the territorial integrity of Iran. CP : From the US ? FP : From the US, yes … but one can struggle from everywhere today, he travels to Europe also. His message is that the day, Iranians will be free it will be up to them and only them to decide by a referandum if they wish to have a Constitutional Monarchy or any other democratic system of government of their choice. CP : The Iranian Diaspora is very important outside the country. Where is it the most influential ? FP : The Iranian diaspora is active a little everywhere, but particularly in the US but also in Europe and are in contact with their compatriots inside Iran and between themselves. CP : I believe that the status of women in Iran is extremely difficult. You who are a modern women, how do you analyze the situation of Iranian Women today ? FP : Well you know, today, nearly 70 years ago, Reza Shah ( the Great ), the father of my husband had forbidden the veil. A symbolic gesture aimed to allow Women to have access to education, to enter and take part in the Modern Era by participating to the social development of the country. In 1963, their was a law for the emancipation of the Woman and the right to vote was given to Iranian women including the right to be elected. Also many laws were voted for family rights such as the right to divorce the keeping of children or equality in regard to salary. To See the situation of Iranian Women today is truly painful. Nevertheless despite all the pressures, the current regime was not able to retreive the right to vote from them or the right for Women to be elected. (Top Left) : Setting the example : Princess’ Shams, Ashraf and Queen Taj Ol’ Molouk leave the Palace without the Veil in support of Reza Shah’s emancipation Law (1936). (Top Right) : Farrokh Parsa first woman minister of education in 1968 ( She was executed after the Revolution). (Below Left to Right ) First Women Association in 1935. Woman pilot. Women deputies in front of the Parliament mid 1960’s. ©ParsTimes.com CP : What are the fields in which the Women’s situation has deteriorated ? FP : The Iranian Woman is insulted, humiliated, whipped, lapidated, even tortured. (See photos of Repressed First Women Demo against mandatory Hijab in 1979). CP : (Interrupting) In what conditions for example ? FP : (Serious composure) The Veil is the the least important aspect, its the general condition of Iranian Women that has deteriorated in regard to divorce, the custody of kids, the salary etc. The price of the blood of a Woman, is worth half the price of that of a Man. A woman cannot become a Judge because they consider that she cannot be objective enough. Or the testimony of two Woman, is worth that of a single Man. Yet what is important and has to be noted is that the Iranian Woman is extremely courageous, because despite all these abuses and problems, she struggles in her capacity both inside and outside the country. CP : Yet you yourself as Empress had done a great deal for the enhancement of the situation of Women in Iran ? FP : I have to say that during my reign, and I need to thank my husband for that, I never had the impression of being belittled because I was a Woman, or that there could be things that I wouldn’t have had the right to do in my social activities and responsabilities. Obviously there were women organizations and women personalities before me who had struggled for these rights. CP : There is an Iranian Woman who is a Nobel Prize Awardee ? FP : Precisely, and she was Judge, she was stopped in her profession as Judge after the revolution and was subsequently was not forbidden to exercise as Lawyer for 5 years. She has since regained her status as Lawyer with great courage. Former Judge before the Revolution and 2003 Nobel Pëace Prize awardee Shirine Ebadi (See official Website ) ©iranianchildren.org CP : Do you think that there will be some progress or that the situation will stay the same or that it is an impossible situation ? FP : No , I am convinced that with Iran’s past and what Iranians have known before, and that this situation of nearly 27 years cannot stay like this. Things will change … CP : 27 years, it is nearly a quarter of a century FP : Yes nearly more than a quarter of a century, however I am convinced that things will change … CP : How do you react to the recent comments of ultra conservative Iranian President claiming that the Hebrew State is unIslamic, by nature and the result of a ethnical purge in Europe ? When you hear this … FP : This is not acceptable, to hear such comments on wiping off an existing State (Israel) from the surface of the World Map, and the Racist feelings because the era of Racism, Fascism and Inquisition is over. It also greatly worries the religious minorities in Iran as well as the various Iranian ethnic groups. Left : Iranian Jews celebrating the second anniversary of the Constituional Revolution of 1906. Right President Mahmoud Ahmaninejad at an anti-Israeli conference attended by 4,000 students in Tehran, titled “The World Without Zionism.” During which he said that “Israel must be wiped off the map” (AP Photo). This has isolated our country even more, including in neighbouring countries. What worries me by these comments is the danger it generates for the territorial integrity of Iran. However what is important is that the majority of the Iranians people have enough of this system and want to see a secular and democratic government that defends their basic rights and solves the serious economic problems. Yet despite all the pressures, arrestations, tortures and assassinations. Women, journalists, students, and quite recently the bus drivers and Oil workers have started a civil non violent disobedience and I am convinced that they will achieve what they wish, However what we do not have is the International support similar to what was done for Poland, South Africa, Ukraine or Lebenon quite recently. CP : Do you have faith in the new generation ? FP : Absolutely, I have entire confidence in the youth for they have access thanks to the internet to the free world. CP : What means do they have to act within the country ? FP : Well precisely they do struggle in their own capacity, what they do not have is a true and continuous support … CP :This encouragment comes from outside ? FP : From outside and of course such as through the opposition groups in exile. What my son says, is that if Khomeiny came to power with the tapes circulated in the country, Khomeinism will dissapear with the Internet … Light shall vanquish over darkness, repeats hopefully the happy grandmother : With Princess‘ Noor and Iman in Cairo and Washington DC ©PDV even if the regime in Iran tries to block some websites, people continue to get through or follow some satellite TV’s beamed from outside. But what I want to say and insist here is that this regime is a black parenthesis in the History of Iran. CP : Do you believe that your granddaughters, that their generation will see the Iran of their grandparents ? That they will return to Iran ? FP : I am certain that they will see their country again as well as other young Iranians, and that Iran will find Democracy and Freedom. And the stability of the Middle East depends on the restoration of these Values. CP : When you tell them the recent History of Iran, you who are Iranian, maybe some of our viewers do not know this fact, how do you summerize Iran to your granddaughters ? What is it like to hear a grandmother and Empress talk about her country to her grandchildren ? FP : Well they are now much older and ask me about where I lived, what I did in those years and obviously it is a terrible feeling when I tell them that we cannot return yet. So we tell them that the day will come when you will return to your country, and that Inchallah, that day will come … CP : Are there days when you are afraid, security wise ? FP : (She sighs) You know truly not at all, you know security precautions have always been part of my life. And you know Caroline … I have lived my life. I have the feeling I have lived 200 years now. CP : (Smiling) No, no, do not say this you look still so young, but … FP : (Laughing) No but its true … CP : (Interruptng politely) But to live surrounded by body guards, even when you come to the studios here,what does it feel like ? … FP : Well you know there is always a very good relation with these body guards, for we do not have the same relationship as we had in the past, things are a little bit more normal now, but I have become used to this. CP : They are still around ? FP : (smiling and gathering her thoughts )The day they won’t be around … You know if they were absent, I would not … maybe I … Well I have to say I would feel more free, so to speak but … CP : For example if you take the plane, they are just behind you ? FP : No, you know the best bodyguard in that case is the pilot on board ... (Chuckling) CP : But Farah Pahlavi, your autobiography was translated into 16 languages … When people think of Farah Pahlavi, what would you want people to remember ? FP : Truly, I will leave that to posterity, because I won’t be around to hear what will be said on me … CP : No, no you needn’t be that pessimistic … you are not that old … FP : No, no, right, I am not pessimistic at all, on the countrary, what warms my heart is that despite everything that happened to me including the turnups in History, everything that was said or continues to be said on me, or by opponents of the previous regime. My compatriots consider that I was someone close to the people. That I was active socially speaking for the less fortunate and also in the cultural activities. And as a human being they consider that I behaved properly and decently, that I was strong and that I set aside bitterness’ and I am very grateful to them for this. CP : What was the nicest compliment that you have recieved from your compatriots, like when you meet Iranian in a Cinema cue … FP : (Smiling) Well you know I am greatly touched particularly when youngsters who have never seen me in Iran as Queen, are in tears and kiss me and tell me … It embarrasses me to say it like this, because I don’t want to flatter myself in public, but .. They tell me « You are an example for us … » or « That you represent our country, our past and we want to thank you … » That touches me greatly and at the same time I feel a great responsability on my shoulders … CP : Your children are proud of their mother ? FP : (Long Silence) I hope so …I hope so ( smiling ), and … I have heard complments from them, and … CP : Directly to you ? FP : (smiling and touched) Yes … yes, I hope that they know how much I love them, and how much their future is important to me. CP : You have three children, today, what I find extraordinary, is the incredible strenght you seem to show, you said you do things to keep positive but … FP : (She interupts) Sorry I interupted you … CP : There is something inside, that gives you this energy, this force ? FP : No, well you know, I DON’T WANT that the forces of evil to win ! I do not want the negative forces to take over me. (She smiles ironically) And I hope that I will keep on for some time. CP : What are these negative forces ? FP : To be affected by cheap remarks or attitudes, by lies, to become bitter … also when I see what takes place in my country, with this unelected regime, that claims to represent God on earth, and when I see what is being done to my country, I don’t want to give them the joy of seeing me defeated. CP : Are you a muslim who practices her faith ? FP : (Nodding her head) I believe in the essential values of all religions, but I also believe in the Universal Charter of Human Rights …They can very well co-exist together, and probably if I managed to survive, it is maybe a sign that I do have some kind of faith … Enduring Love : The Shah and Shahbanou in exile photographed by their son the Crown Prince Reza. ©rezaphalavi.org CP : What is the most important thing that your husband, the Shah of Iran tought you ? FP : (Silence) He tought me many things … I will always be grateful to him for having his support and encouragments and to have guided me in all the various fields in which I worked and got to see the results of the dreams accomplished… Also for seeking advice and not be carried away by immediate enthusiasm. I am also proud of who he was and what he represented for Iran. His greatest love was for Iran and Iranians. He also I think wanted me to continue on this road and be attached to my country. That said I am attached to Iran not only as former Queen but also like a citizen of my country. CP : Before being Empress, you were a student in France, could you say a few words on those years ? FP : (smiling) Yes, well one always keeps great souveneers of the student years … they were very useful years for me. For goodness its nearly 47 years ago, I was a young Iranian girl all alone in Paris. I was in addition studying in a field which was not common for girls, I was studying architecture … CP : You lived in the University Campus ? FP : Yes absolutely, and I remember those years with great affection. CP : A last question, when you wake up in the morning, what do you say to yourself ? When you turn on the light and open your window ? FP : I do exercises, ( laughs gently) to stay in shape and I immediately go and attend my daily duties. Again as I said it depends on whether I am in shape or not … CP : And you look at your email, and that gives you energy ? FP : Emails, letters and yes all that concerns my life and obligations. However before we finish, I would like to say that I am certain, that the light shall vanquish darkness in Iran and that Iran will rise from its ashes … CP : And hopefully while you are still alive ? FP : Inchallah … CP : Thank you your Majesty, Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for following us, the news continues on ITV. Notes : (*) watch interview at : http://www.farahpahlavi.org/histoired.html