Celebrating James Joyce’s brilliant masterpiece—Ulysses
Maryam Tabibzadeh
Since the book was published,
dozens of cities around the globe now hold their own Bloomsday
celebrations. it is fкted in roughly sixty countries around the
world, and most inventively in Dublin, Ireland itself. In
commemoration of the centennial anniversary 2004, Ireland is holding a
stupendous festival lasting April 1st to August 31st. Thousands of
people from dilettantes of the academic world to the most accomplished
Joyce scholars are expected to flood Dublin during the five month long
extravaganza. While Bloomsday celebrations feature public readings,
Joyce look-alike contests, and a fantastic excuse for clinking pints
of Guinness, the most remarkable part of the annual festivities is the
replication of Bloom’s route through Dublin—as participants bring
to life pages upon pages of Joyce’s complicated text. Imagine
tracing the steps of Homer across the Mediterranean—much less
intricate, but you get the drift. The most run of the mill carousings,
praised by Joyce’s words, are now brought to life and the city of
Dublin becomes stage. The annual breakfast reviving Bloom's morning is
generally the most popular Bloomsday happening and its hallmark event.
Some other typical traditions include wining and dining at Davy
Byrne's Pub on Duke Street at lunchtime, or an afternoon pint at the
Ormond Hotel. Other celebrations include public readings, recreating
spectacular scenes lifted from the text, street improvisations,
singing Irish music hall melodies, and plodding all day pub-crawls.
The gist of what Joyce saw in June
16, 1904 was this: a very customary day in Dublin, Ireland where the
two central characters, Dedalus and Bloom, go about their respective,
ordinary affairs meeting up with a cast of unforgettable local
Dubliners. Joyce describes them doing mundane things such as eating,
drinking, fighting, and also the not so mundane—namely, the vulgar
masturbating bits by Mr. Bloom himself. What is completely remarkable,
however, is how we, as readers, are able to permeate each of the
memories, thoughts, and emotions of the entire Ulysses cast by way of
Joyce’s ingenious stream-of-consciousness writing. This is what has
branded Ulysses into such a classic. Joyce presents almost the entire
range of the human experience to us in one single day, making it the
genuine realist masterpiece. The difficult text is also packed with so
many literary allusions and word play that annual college courses
exist solely for the purpose of understanding and unearthing its
intricacies. Reading Ulysses can be a life-altering occurrence for
many readers, and with all its word blends, genre parodies, Irish
chronicles, Celtic lyricism, and countless narrators, Ulysses can
truly form the cornerstone of the English major’s agony and ecstasy.
Equally fascinating is how many
Joyce disciples exist even beyond the academic world. The James Joyce
Quarterly was created in 1963 as a collective discussion of the work
and life of Joyce. Each issue presents various types of essays on
Joyce and his work, and all kinds of submissions are highly encouraged
by the periodical. In fact, in its next issue the journal will even be
publishing an article by a high school student. Subscriptions come
from all over the globe (numbering about 1,500 readers), and prominent
fans have included Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, John Lennon, Mel
Brooks (who incidentally named the hero of his Broadway hit The
Producers "Leo Bloom"), and Woody Allen, to name just a few.
Thousands upon thousands of websites exist in honor of Joyce and in
veneration of his work. Although Joyce is rightly heralded as the
Modernist virtuoso, he probably would have never dreamt that his book
and its tale would result into a universal literary holiday for anyone
and everyone to enjoy. Indeed, what is most striking about Bloomsday
is that cuts through class and educational barriers and draws people
from practically every walk of life. Most of the attendees of
Bloomsday have never made their way through Ulysses, they just want to
be a part of the jubilation.
The champion of the literary world
known as James Augustine Joyce was born on February 2, 1882, in a
wealthy suburb of Dublin called Rathgar. Joyce was born into a very
religious Irish Catholic family tracing roots back to Irish nobility
and it seemed certain that Joyce was to enter the priesthood as a
young adult, a decision that would have undoubtedly pleased his devout
parents. After making contacts with various Irish Literary Renaissance
members, however, his interest in the church dwindled and his desire
to write emerged. Indeed, Joyce became quite critical of Ireland and
its conservative elements, particularly the Catholic Church, and this
showed in his writings for the rest of his life. It took Joyce close
to 7 years to write Ulysses. After many failed attempts on Joyce’s
part, the gallant publisher, Sylvia Beach, finally published Ulysses
in Paris in 1922. While Ulysses was acclaimed by some, the novel was
totally banned from both the UK as well as the US on obscenity charges
for about a decade. In a famous 1933 court decision, Judge John M.
Woolsey declared it an "emetic" book. Virginia Woolf also
allegedly disparaged James Joyce's "cloacal obsession" and
regarding Ulysses, she remarked: "Never did any book so bore
me." It was not until 1934, that Random House finally won a court
battle that granted permission to print and distribute Joyce’s
Ulysses in the United States, and only two years later was the novel
legalized in Britain. James Joyce died at the age of 58 of a stomach
ulcer on January 13, 1941 in Zurich, Switzerland. In
1988, a distinguished board of writers at Random House selected
Ulysses as "the best novel of the century."
Alas, it is both extraordinary and
ironic to note that Ulysses is not only set in Dublin, but it will
also never let us forget it. James Joyce wrote Ulysses while he was in
self-imposed exile in Paris, Trieste, Rome and Zurich. How
extraordinary is it that the expatriate Mr. Joyce describes Dublin and
all of its diversions for his readers with such accuracy and
geographical detail? Although he shunned the Irish literacy revival
with his exodus, the estranged Joyce certainly acknowledges his
Irishness for us through his work. The 732-paged novel forever
immortalizes the city of Dublin for generation upon generation of
readers and scholars. And for those who will positively never
surrender to the torture of reading Ulysses’ impenetrable prose,
there always exists the xciting alternative: trekking to enchanted
Dublin for yourself to rejoice in Bloosmday festivities. You decide: