




Madame Recamier

January/February 2005


First Iranian Women Gear Up For "Mount Everest"
Sent by: Talieh Shahrokhi

Iran's national woman mountaineering team started Thursday the first stage of preparatory camp for reaching the Everest peak to be the first Iranian women group to scale up to the highest altitude in the world.

The two-day camp was held in Kelardasht, in the heights of Alam Kouh, north of Iran.

Iran's national woman mountaineering team will set out to Himalya region to conquer the 8848-meter Everest mountain late on this year.

(From all of us at "Persian Journal", wish them the "Best")

© Iranian.ws

Iranian woman deported from Canada awaits trial in Iran
Dec 10, 2004, 00:01
CTV.ca News

An Iranian women's rights activist who was deported from Vancouver recently, despite telling immigration officials that she could be sentenced to death, is awaiting a court date. Haleh Sahba was detained and released in Iran after being forced to leave Canada Tuesday, according to her sister.

She is facing several charges including leaving Iran illegally. A lawyer in Iran sent a letter to Canadian authorities saying that she could be tried at an Islamic court where the maximum punishment is death. Her sister Laleh Sahba told CTV's Renu Bakshi that she had been detained at Tehran Airport for 26 hours upon her arrival. She tearfully recounted her conversation with her sister after she was released. She said she pleaded over the phone "to please bring her back." Canadian immigrations officials said 40 Iranians were deported from British Columbia in the past year and there hasn't been proof of any torture, Bakshi reported. Sahba's lawyer told CTV's Rob Brown that she didn't do everything in her power to stay. Peter Larlee said that she failed to ask a federal judge to review her denied refugee claim. Her lawyer at the time, Lee Rankin, could not recall why they didn't seek the judicial review but said it is usually because clients cannot afford the expense.

Women journalists imprisoned

Iran Press News

Sent by: Shahrokh

According to BBC radio, quoting sources in Iran, yesterday: "There are reports of severe mistreatment of the two journalists Fereshteh Qâzi and Mahboubeh Abbassqolizâdeh at the hands of men interogators."

Fereshteh Qâzi was arrested on October 27th and detained at the Office of Social Graces. Mahboubeh Abbassqolizâdeh was arrested on November 3rd by agents of the District Attorney of the Islamic regime in Tehran and immediately sent to prison.

Last year Zahra Kazemi, an Iranian-Canadian journalist was arrested by the nefarious agents of the Islamic regime and taken to Evin prison where she was brutally gang-raped. Her skull was then kicked in and due to the severity of the torture died. In order to conceal this hainous crime, the Islamic regime immediately buried her.

Save Leila

Sign the Petition

Leila, a 19 year old woman, faces imminent execution in Iran. What childhood she has had has been marred with physical and sexual abuse from the age of 8, giving birth to her first child at the age of 9. Having become a concubine to an Afghan man at the age of 12, Leila was forced into prostitution by him until the age of 14 when she gave birth to twin daughters. Leila was then given to a 55 year old married man who continued her history of abuse until her arrest at the age of 18, when she was found guilty of prostitution. Prostitution carries the death penalty under the Islamic laws of Iran.

Iranian Women Warrior in Ancient Iran Confirmed

These days Iranian women are not even allowed to watch men compete on the football field in Islamic dungeon regime, but 2,000 years ago they could have been carving the boys to pieces on the battlefield.

DNA tests on the 2,000-year-old bones of a sword-wielding Iranian warrior have revealed the broad-framed skeleton belonged to woman, an archaeologist working in the northwestern city of Tabriz said on Saturday.

"Despite earlier comments that the warrior was a man because of the metal sword, DNA tests showed the skeleton inside the tomb belonged to a female warrior," Alireza Hojabri-Nobari told the Hambastegi newspaper. He added that the tomb, which had all the trappings of a warrior's final resting place, was one of 109 and that DNA tests were being carried out on the other skeletons. Hambastegi said other ancient tombs believed to belong to women warriors have been unearthed close to the Caspian Sea.

Ukraine's 'goddess of revolution'

She is a close ally of Viktor Yushchenko, the leader of the Ukrainian opposition that believes he won the bitterly disputed presidential run-off on 21 November. (Read More)

Egypt feminist in presidency bid

Nawal Saadawi has enraged conservatives with her views
Feminist Egyptian author and doctor Nawal Saadawi says she will stand in next year's presidential elections. (Read More)

Wangari Maathai

of Kenya wins 2004 Nobel Peace Prize

Wangari Maathai rose to prominence fighting for those most easily marginalised in Africa - poor women.

Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt movement in Kenya in 1977, which has planted more than 10 million trees to prevent soil erosion and provide firewood for cooking fires. A 1989 United Nations report noted that only 9 trees were being replanted in Africa for every 100 that were cut down, causing serious problems with deforestation: soil runoff, water pollution, difficulty finding firewood, lack of animal nutrition, etc. (Read More)



Iran Moves to Roll Back Rights Won by Women

The hard-liners who won Iran's parliamentary elections last February have focused on women's rights in their efforts to reverse some of the reforms carried out under the moderate president, Mohammad Khatami.

Iranian woman chopped up husband

An Iranian woman has been sentenced to death for murdering and chopping up her drug addict husband who allegedly tried to rape her 15 years old daughter, press reports said today.